General Health Examination Program Cancer Screening (with magnetic resonance imaging for the whole body)


Service Description of the service
General practitioner’s /physician’s initial consultation Before the initial visit to the doctor a questionnaire is sent to the patient. The questionnaire is evaluated later on during the consultation together with patient's medical history, objective body organ system assessment and cardiovascular, oncology and osteoporosis risk estimation.
Laboratory tests Blood Removal (1 vacutainer), processing, testing, reporting data storage
Vitamin B12
Full blood count (Hb, L, Er, Ht, Tr without ESR)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) with special test compl.
Urin acid
Gamma GT
Lactate dehydrogenase
Creatincinase (KFA)
Entire cholestorol
HDL cholestorol
LDL cholestorol
Total protein
Antistreptolysin O
Prothrombin complex and INR
Free thyroxine/FT4
Thyroid stimulating hormone /TSH
Antibodies against peroxidase
Carcinoembryonic antigen/CEA
Alpha – fetoprotein
Glucose (ser)
Microalbuminuria *
Full microscopic urine analysis *
Syphilis screening / SED - RPR **
Anti – HCV (hepatitis C)
HE 4
Vitamin D total (D3 and D2)
Electrocardiogram with 12 leads reading, description (ECG) Widely applied heart examination technique at rest which can diagnose myocardial infarction, inflammation, conduction abnormalities and changes in cardiac functions.
Thoracic X-ray in 2 views*** Lung tissue check.
Abdominal ultrasound scan (excluding pelvic organs)  
Thyroid ultrasound scan  
Breast ultrasound scan The method is based on ultrasound's ability to penetrate through various density tissue. The examination is safe and can be carried out for clients of all ages.
Gynecologist visit Consultation
Women's pelvic 2D ultrasonography during the visit
PAP smear
Microbiological smear
Dermatologist visit Initial visit of dermatologist
Digital dermoscopy (of 1 formation)
The 1.5 Tesla MRI ****** MRI of the entire body in addition to the diffusion test the thoracic and abdominal part of a 1.5 Tesla magnetic field equipment (not included cost of the radioplaque
Final Internist/General Practitioner Consultation Evaluation and summary of laboratory and diagnostic findings, if possible, establishing diagnosis. Recommendations. In case of abnormal findings referral to additional laboratory and diagnostic examinations, drafting of treatment plan.


Female patients are able to perform the analysis of breast and ovarian cancer screening

BRCA1 gene mutations are specific to breast and ovarian cancer.

BRCA1 gene has four most common mutation types.

There is necessary to get 1 - 3 ml peripheral blood for analysis.

It is possible to determine 4 or 2 mutations.

Responses are prepared after 10 working days.

* Clients should bring urine and faeces sample to the initial consultation

** With client's written consent

******** The examination is performed in collaboration with Ltd "GenEra" in Rātsupītes street 1, Riga

During the first visit to the Internist/General Practitioner it is possible to add medical consultations and examinations that are not included in this health check program for an additional charge according to price list of Ltd, Capital Clinic Riga.

For attention for patient - in addition payments may include: - if samples are taken during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and/or colonoscopy.

After programm realization, if necessary, there is consultation of oncologist avalaible.